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The World Health Organization and UNICEF have set out three
strategies needed for increasing breastfeeding initiation and
duration in every country. What are the 3 strategies? - ANS
✔✔✔Breastfeeding Promotion
Breastfeeding Protection
Breastfeeding Support
Focuses on advantages of breastfeeding on a personal (personal
connection), community, country (amount spent on healthcare), or
global level (waste from formula & formula products)
Focuses on the good "advantages" of breastfeeding - ANS
✔✔✔Breastfeeding Promotion
Focuses on government, manufacturer, and social responsibility
to assure breast feeding's ability to compete with commercial
Includes addressing improper marketing practices
Addressing breastfeeding in public, at work, jury duty, family law,
mothers in prison, etc.. - ANS ✔✔✔Breastfeeding Protection
Focuses on the interaction of "helpers" with family as well as
program development and implementation - ANS
✔✔✔Breastfeeding Support
Women how do not breastfeed are at a greater risk for what
diseases? - ANS ✔✔✔Myocardial infarction
Metabolic syndrome
Coronary artery disease
Cardiovascular disease
Breast, endometrial, and ovarian cancer
Reason #1 why women do not exclusively breastfeed - ANS
✔✔✔Unrealistic expectations from society about motherhood.
Along with lack of preparation for what the newborn period would
be like.
Reason #2 why women do not exclusively breastfeed - ANS
✔✔✔Lack of timely interventions. Mother's problems at 3-7 days
posed the greatest risk for stopping which is when they are home
from the hospital and alone with no support. The fastest drop-off
is in the first 10 days following discharge from the hospital
The International Code of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutions -
ANS ✔✔✔An international health policy framework to regulate the
marketing of breast milk substitutes in order to protect
breastfeeding. It was written in response to the marketing
activities of the infant feeding industry which were promoting
formula feeding over breastfeeding, which in turn was leading to a
dramatic increase in maternal and infant morbidity and mortality.
What does "The Code" do? - ANS ✔✔✔Regulates the marketing
of breast milk substitutes which includes infant formulas and any
other food or drink, together with feeding bottles, and teats,
intended for babies and young children. Sets standards for the
labeling and quality of products and for how the law should be
implemented and monitored within countries. Aims to make sure
that parental choices on feeding are based on full, impartial
information, rather than misleading, inaccurate or biased
marketing claims.
The Global Strategy for Infant & Young Child Feeding - ANS
✔✔✔Is intended as a guide for action; it identifies interventions
with a proven positive impact, it emphasizes providing mothers
and families the support they need to carry out their crucial roles,
and it explicitly defines the obligations and responsibilities in this
regard of governments, international organizations, and other
concerned parties.
What contributes to low rates of exclusive breastfeeding globally?
- ANS ✔✔✔Caregiver and societal beliefs favoring mixed
feedings (believing that breast milk is not enough or that babies
actions/issues are related to the breast milk/breastfeeding)
Hospital and healthcare practices and policies that are not
supportive of breastfeeding
Lack of adequate skilled support
Aggressive promotion of infant formula and other breast milk
substitutes rather than promoting support for breastfeeding
Inadequate maternity and paternity leave legislation and other
workplace policies
Lack of knowledge about the dangers of not exclusively
breastfeeding and of proper breastfeeding techniques
How to support exclusive breastfeeding - ANS ✔✔✔Increase
hospital and health system capacity including revitalizing,
expanding, and institutionalizing the baby-friendly hospital
initiative in health systems
Provide community based strategies including communication
campaigns tailored to the local context
Strengthen the monitoring, enforcement, and legislation related to
"The Code" and subsequent resolutions.
Enact at least 6 months paid maternity leave
Invest in training and capacity building in breastfeeding protection,
promotion, and support
What is the role of the pituitary glade in milk making? - ANS
✔✔✔Messages from certain stimulation travels through the breast
to the pituitary gland which triggers it to produce prolactin and
oxytocin which are two hormones needed to make milk.
How in prolactin produced? - ANS ✔✔✔Breast stimulation
Nipple stimulation (makes the most)
What is the first way oxytocin can be triggered? - ANS
✔✔✔Conditioned response/Conditioned Milk Ejection Reflex (Let
down). Automatic response that comes with the association of
smell, touch, sounds of baby at the breast. Also occurs on babies
end with knowing what to do when placed at the breast.
What is the second way oxytocin can be triggered? - ANS
✔✔✔Nipple stretching that occurs with a proper latch

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